Saturday, 24 March 2012

Fairfax County 2050 Transit Study

Fairfax County is conducting a transit study that includes a survey of residents "to determine how public transit system expansion plans can best serve the county's long-term economic growth objectives. Transit systems can be designed to serve many different objectives. This survey will help us understand your needs and preferences for traveling within or through Fairfax County and how your travel needs are connected to other elements affecting your quality of life."

It's a wide-ranging survey that asks about quality of life issues such as living in walkable, mixed use communities, the importance of access to transit, and the importance of providing better biking facilities. Is it more important to be able to walk to local destinations or would you rather have a short drive?

While a few of the questions mention biking, it isn't really treated on the same terms as walking, driving and transit. An example is the questions that asks "How far would you be willing to walk on a regular basis from home" but no mention of biking from home to cover much greater distances. There are also no questions about the importance of bike parking at transit centers or about the integration of bicycling and transit.

We suggest you take the survey and weigh in on these topics.

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