Friday, 6 July 2012

Article on bike sharing in Reston

Bike sharing on horizon for Fairfax is the title of an article in the The Examiner about the possibility of bike sharing in Reston or Tysons. As we reported earlier, Fairfax applied for but didn't receive TIGER II funds for bike sharing. See our article in Reston Patch about the feasibility of bike sharing in Reston.

In the Examiner article Supervisor Hudgins discusses her interest in bike sharing:
"I am very interested in seeing it happen," said Fairfax County Supervisor Cathy Hudgins, a Democrat whose district includes Reston. "I think it's a possibility in the near future."

Officials say plans for bike sharing are still just being discussed and they aren't sure if a Reston pilot would be plugged into the Capital Bikeshare brand already popular in the District and Arlington. But they said they hope some form of bike system will be in place in time for the opening of Metro's Silver Line at Reston, slated for early 2014.

"The county definitely does want bike sharing," said county spokeswoman Beth Francis. "We don't have funding right now, but it's definitely in the plans."

Montgomery and Prince George's counties and Alexandria are already slated to join the Capital Bikeshare program.

Hudgins toured Arlington's bike facilities last summer. She said she wants to talk to Reston businesses and community members to figure out details such as where to put stations.

She said the county, like Arlington and the District, would search for a private partner for the bike system.

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