This year we have the opportunity to double the impact of your gift. From now through December 31, a very generous anonymous donor has agreed to match dollar for dollar the first $1,000 in donations.

- Pass and implement the Countywide Bicycle Master Plan
- Hire a Safe Routes to School coordinator for Fairfax County
- Expand our bike counting effort
- Conduct bicycle safety campaigns
- Ensure that biking facilities are in place for the opening of the Silver Line
- Spearheaded inaugural Fairfax Bike Summit
- Played key role in developing the Countywide Bicycle Master Plan
- Changed school policy so that parents (not faculty) decide whether children can walk and bike to school
- Enhanced school policy to include bicycle safety education programs
- Installed three bike racks in the Town of Vienna
- Formed Tysons Bike Group
- Assessed condition of Fairfax County Parkway Trail
- Advocated for first ever sharrows in Fairfax County
- Conducted bike counts at multiple locations
- Held first FABB Social Rides and FABB Happy Hour
- Added bike tourism information to Visit Fairfax
With our dedicated team of passionate volunteers, every dollar that FABB receives goes a very long way. Please donate to FABB online or send a check for "FABB" to FABB, P.O. Box 3752, Reston, VA 20195.
Thank you for your support and contribution to a better Fairfax.Bruce Wright
FABB Chairman
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