Thursday, 9 June 2011

Meeting tonight on plans for I-66 outside the Beltway

Unfortunately we did not get the word out soon enough, but tonight from 5-8pm, VDOT and the Department of Rail and Public Transportation are holding a public meeting on a major study of I-66 outside the Beltway:
The purpose of the study is to identify transportation needs within the I-66 corridor and to evaluate the impact of proposed improvements to meet those needs. In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), a Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is being prepared with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The study is scheduled for completion in late 2012.

Thanks to Allen Muchnick of VBF for sending out a notice about the meeting and asking cyclists to send comments to VDOT. Please consider letting VDOT and DRPT know about the needs of bicyclists along the I-66 corridor. Many of us currently use the Custis Trail parallel to I-66 in Arlington County. A similar trail should be built along I-66 outside the Beltway. The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors supports this trail that is included in the Countywide Trails Plan. Cyclists also need to be able to safely cross I-66. Below are comments we sent to
Dear Mr Walter,

Fairfax Advocates for Better Bicycling have the following comments on the STUDY FOR INTERSTATE 66 OUTSIDE BELTWAY. We feel strongly that the scope of this study should adequately consider the needs of bicyclists and pedestrians who want to travel along and across this 25-mile corridor. I-66 outside the Beltway should have a parallel bikeway, similar to the Custis Trail along I-66 in Arlington. Fairfax County has indicated the need for this trail by including it on the county comprehensive plan in the form of the Countywide Trails Plan, approved by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors in 2002. The Plan indicates a Major Regional Trail along I-66 outside the Beltway in Fairfax County (

In addition, low-traffic bicycle and pedestrian crossings of I-66 should be provided at frequent (1-mile or less) intervals.


Bruce Wright
Chairman, Fairfax Advocates for Better Bicycling (FABB)

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