Thursday, 23 June 2011

New Yorkers for bicycling

Pledge badge
A New York bicycle advocacy group, Transportation Alternatives, has started a campaign for mutual respect by all road users. They realize that many road users, including bicyclists, flagrantly abuse the rules of the road. As a bicycle advocacy group they are asking their supporters to take a pledge to Declare yourself a New Yorker for Bicycling.

If you sign the pledge, you can receive one of several Bicycle Ambassador Badges "T.A. wants you to show off the way you ride. When a bicyclist is well-behaved, passing cyclists feel pressure to do the same. If we all wear our behavior on our sleeve (or back or bag), the message becomes a movement.":
I pledge my support for the three pillars of safe cycling in New York:
  • Responsible riding is safer for everyone.
  • Bike lanes keep everyone out of each other's way and out of harm's way.
  • A robust public bike share program empowers New Yorkers with more transit choices.
I support these principles because more New Yorkers riding bicycles on NYC streets benefits New York as a whole. Bike-friendly enhancements to our streets improve New Yorkers' health, increase pedestrian safety and bolster a more vibrant business community.

As a bicyclist, I vow to ride safely and create a positive street environment. As a pedestrian, transit rider or driver, I support the right to safe travel for New Yorkers who choose bicycling and recognize that we're all better off when everyone has safe space to travel. In the interest of a greener, greater New York, I call on my elected and appointed officials to do the same.


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