Thursday, 11 August 2011

New VDOT NoVa District Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator

Cindy Engelhart, VDOT NoVa Ped/Bike Coordinator
talking to Bruce Wright of FABB
Cindy Engelhart is the new VDOT NoVa District Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator. She replaces Fatemeh Allahdoust who served in the position for many years. Cindy is a bicycle pedestrian transportation engineer. She was a member of a team of professionals who traveled to several European countries to investigate innovative ped/bike technologies and practices to determine if they could be adapted in the U.S. According to her bio in the resultant report, Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety and Mobility in Europe:
She serves as the district’s technical bicycle and pedestrian design expert. Her emphasis is on providing bike and pedestrian technical assistance on the State’s megaprojects (larger than $100 million), including writing draft procedures for evaluating public-private partnership (PPP) project proposals, reviewing maintenance of traffic plans, providing technical verbiage for innovative PPP project contracts, and reviewing asset management agreements. She is a licensed civil engineer with 26 years of transportation design experience in bridges, highways, drainage, and bike and pedestrian issues. In the bike and pedestrian field, she has served on several State policy task forces and reviewed numerous manual revisions. Engelhart graduated from Louisiana State University. She is a member of the Bicycle Technical Committee and the Pedestrian Task Force of the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.

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