The study found that the markings installed in advance of the two crossings heightened the awareness of approaching motorists. This was evidenced by reduced mean vehicle speeds within the marking zones. Further, the majority of survey respondents indicated an increase in awareness, a change in driving behavior, and a higher tendency to yield than before, and the markings had a sustained positive effect on speed reduction. The study also found that motorists have limited understanding regarding the purpose of the markings, and users of the W&OD Trail and motorists are confused regarding who has the right of way at the crossings.
We were especially interested in the study recommendations, mainly the one regarding confusion about who has the right-of-way at the trail crossings. Police have been known to issue tickets to cyclists for failure to stop at the stop signs placed by NVRPA. According to the study author: "A cursory review of the Code language in this study suggested that trail users on multiuse pathways may not be obligated to comply with non-signalized traffic control devices where the trail intersects a roadway."RECOMMENDATIONS 5. A review of the Code of Virginia should be undertaken with respect to those sections dealing with trail users on multiuse pathways and their obligation to comply with non-signalized traffic control devices. The purpose of the review should be to determine if legislative changes could help alleviate the confusion about right-of-way, and if so, to suggest appropriate legislative change proposals. Such a review could be initiated, or led, by VDOT’s Traffic Engineering Division with assistance from staff at VTRC. A cursory review of the Code language in this study suggested that trail users on multiuse pathways may not be obligated to comply with non-signalized traffic control devices where the trail intersects a roadway. In addition, the research found there is confusion among motorists and trail users about right-of-way laws regarding the W&OD Trail where a STOP sign is directed toward the trail users. This confusion could compromise safety at these and other similar multiuse trail/roadway intersections.
A few years ago we asked our local VA delegate to ask the Attorney General for clarification of the responsibilities of cyclists at the W&OD Trail intersections where there is a stop sign placed by NVRPA at a crosswalk. The Attorney General misunderstood the request and said that motorists must yield to pedestrians and bicyclists when the speed limit is 35mph or less, which is true but didn't answer the question about how cyclists should treat the stop signs.At a road intersection with stop signs on one road crossing another, a motorist facing the stop sign must wait for traffic to clear before entering the road. With a crosswalk in front of a stop sign at a trail crossing, the issue becomes unclear, both for trail users and motorists. We plan to ask VDOT they are conducting the recommended code review.
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