Bicycle Master Plan Meeting - North county - Learn about the proposed bicycle master plan recommendations at a public meeting at the Reston Regional Library starting at 6:30 p.m. This is one of two public meetings that will give cyclists an opportunity to learn about the plan and provide valuable feedback before the plan is finalized. The South county meeting is tomorrow in Annandale.
For more information on the project see the Bicycle Master Plan website.
Route 1 Public Hearing - On the proposed widening of Route 1. The meeting starts at 6pm at Hayfield Secondary School, 7630 Telegraph Road, Alexandria, VA 22315. According to Allen Muchnick of Virginia Bicycling Federation: "This segment of US Route 1 is a desired alignment for four long-distance bicycle routes: US Bike Route 1, the Adventure Cycling Association's Atlantic Coast Route, the East Coast Greenway, and the Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail."
"Therefore, first-rate accommodations for ALL types of bicyclists--including experienced, long-distance roadway cyclists--are critically needed in this project. While a 10-foot sidepath and 14-foot curb lanes are both currently proposed for this project, the proposed on-road bicycling space adjacent to 50+ MPH traffic is inadequate."
"Please submit a written comment asking for 15-foot curb lanes, each ideally striped as an 11-foot travel lane beside a 4-foot wide bike lane (to the left of a 2-foot wide concrete gutter)." Written comments should be sent to by June 29, 2012.
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