Saturday, 1 September 2012

September-October FABB Newsletter now available

A bi-monthly publication of Fairfax Advocates for Better Bicycling

Fairfax Bike Summit - Pedaling Our Way to a Healthier and Happier Community

We're excited to announce the inaugural Fairfax Bike Summit on October 27 at George Mason University (GMU). The purpose of the summit is to bring together current and future bicyclists, bicycle organizations, bike shops, and transportation professionals to discuss how to make Fairfax a better place to live by making bicycling a major component of the transportation system.

Hear from nationally known speakers including Andy Clarke, President of the League of American Bicyclists, who lives in Fairfax County; Chris Eatough of BikeArlington; and Stewart Schwartz of the Coalition for Smarter Growth. You can also check out the latest transportation bikes and gear from local bike shops.

Register online for free. Attendance is limited to 200 people. Display space is free and available for bicycle businesses and organizations. The event will be held at The HUB at GMU in the Front-Middle Ballroom, 4400 University Dr., Fairfax, VA 22030. Further information is available at and

The summit is sponsored by Fairfax Advocates for Better Bicycling, George Mason University, and Fairfax County.

Draft Bicycle Master Plan Completed

After more than a year of effort that included public meetings with area cyclists, focus group meetings, workshops, and meetings of the master plan Bicycle Advisory Committee, Fairfax County received the final draft of the Countywide Bicycle Master Plan from Toole Design Group on July 31. Charlie Strunk, the county bicycle coordinator, is incorporating final comments, including recommendations approved by the Town of Herndon, and finalizing the map of recommended bike facilities.

The next step in the process of getting the Plan approved is to present it to the Planning Commission Transportation Committee, followed by a public hearing before the full Planning Commission, probably after the first of the year. The Board of Supervisors will then hold hearings and take a final vote on the Plan.

FABB Social Rides Showcase Local Attractions

Twenty cyclists joined FABB on August 25 for our latest social ride, a slow-paced guided tour of McLean.

FABB member Dennis Frew led the group through neighborhood streets past several local points of interest including the homes of several Supreme Court justices, Vice President Cheney's house, and Hickory Hill, the former home of President Kennedy and Senator Robert Kennedy. Our next ride will be a tour of Reston that will include stops at the Nature Center, Wiehle Ave Metro Station, Bowman House, Brown's Chapel, historic Lake Anne, and the Reston Town Center. Date TBD.

Visit Fairfax Now Includes Biking

For the past year FABB has worked with Visit Fairfax, the official Fairfax County tourist information group, to include information about bicycling in their outreach materials. The Visit Fairfax website,, is used by visitors to the county to find out about upcoming events and attractions. Visitors can also obtain information about lodging, restaurants, and shops.

Now biking information is included on the site on the Biking and Hiking page. The Biking and Hiking page has a link to the county bicycle route map, a list of places to rent bikes, and a link to the FABB website that contains a cornucopia of bicycle information on the Cyclist Resources page. Thanks Visit Fairfax! See our blog entry about the new page.

FABB Fact: Fairfax County is home to 53 Historical Markers, most of which are difficult to read from the seat of a car. Check out some of them by bike. Contact us to help create a Fairfax Historical Marker bicycle tour.

Events - For full details see the FABB Events Page.

Tuesday, September 11, 10:30am - Board of Supervisors Public Hearing on FY2013 Revised Budget - Speak out for funding of the Bicycle Program.
Wednesday, September 12 & Saturday, September 15, FABB Bike Counts
Monday, September 17, 7:00pm - WABA Annual Meeting
Wednesday, September 19, 7:30pm - FABB monthly meeting
Wednesday, October 17, 7:30pm - FABB monthly meeting
Saturday, October 27- Fairfax Bike Summit at GMU

FABB BLOG - For other news and articles of interest, visit the FABB blog.

Fairfax Advocates for Better Bicycling is a grassroots initiative, affiliated with the Washington Area Bicyclist Association, aiming to make bicycling an integral part of Fairfax County's transportation network.
Visit us on the web, Facebook, and Twitter. Donations to FABB are tax-deductible and help us further our bicycling goals in Fairfax.

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